10 Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Your Brand and Grow Your Audience

An estimated 5 billion U.S dollars are spent through affiliate marketing yearly.

That is a lot of cash!

If you would like to improve your affiliate marketing strategies to become a top earner, you need to know all the tips and tricks that will make you big bucks. While many affiliate programs do offer some type of training, maximizing your earnings is up to you.

If you have been looking for ways to boost your affiliate marketing sales, then read on, you are about to get some affiliate marketing tips that will take your earnings to the next level!

1. Be Honest

When it comes to affiliate marketing honesty is always the best policy. Think about it, when someone spends their hard earned money because you made a recommendation, they are going to be very angry if they don’t get what you told them they would.

In the long run, this will damage your brand. It is better to stay away from recommending products that you are not sure about or haven’t tried yourself.

This may sound like common sense but sometimes when the earning potential for a product is high, there may be the temptation to promote it even if you aren’t sure of its value. Always resist this temptation, it will be better for your brand in the long run.

When you do promote something give the pros and cons and people will begin to respect your opinions.

2. Experiment To See What Will Work

Look at what other website owners in your field are doing and experiment with the type of content you use to promote your affiliate links. Try ads of different sizes and rotate your ad placements. Test out how text links perform as opposed to image links.

The more you experiment the more you are likely to find out what works for you and brings in the most sales. Just because a promotional tactic works for someone else that doesn’t mean it will work for you. If something doesn’t work for you, don’t get depressed, just try something else.

3. Diversify Your Affiliate Marketing

It’s good to be loyal to one program and stay focused in order to earn those affiliate dollars. However, once you have conquered one affiliate marketing program. Look for other affiliate niches that relate to your blog or website.

Sometimes, you can even approach brands yourself and offer to become an affiliate marketer for them, even if they don’t currently have a program. The point is, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

4. Take Advantage of Networking and Learning Opportunities

Most affiliate programs want you to make more sales. After all the more you recommend a product and it sells the more money they make as well.

This is why many programs offer helpful resources and even monthly newsletters aimed at helping you and them make more money. Newsletters will often contain information about upcoming sales they may be having, affiliate case studies and several tips to improve your overall sales performance.

There may even be private Facebook groups and webinars. Your job is to ensure that you are signed up for all of these opportunities and that you make time for them in order to increase your revenue.

You can also check out online resources such as Climb Online to learn more about how to promote your blog or website, so you can maximize your affiliate earnings.

5. Promote Both Features and Benefits

While it is good to talk about the features of a product, you should also talk about the benefits of using the product as well. This will help your audience get a clearer picture of what the product can do for them.

Also, it is useful to show the product in action, so if you can make a demonstration video along with a text explanation this is good. Seeing a product in action helps people decide if they want it or not.

6. Buy The Product

Honesty had been mentioned before and there is no better way to give an honest review than to actually try out the product yourself.

When you use the product yourself you will find out little things about it that you may not have known otherwise and this will help you to make better recommendations. It will also boost your confidence in promoting the product.

7. Use Strong Call To Actions

It may sound simple enough but you need to tell people what to do once they have read your post about a product. Telling your audience what to do is known as a call to action.

When you first start doing call to actions you may feel a bit presumptuous but it is a necessity. Once someone has read a post don’t assume they will follow through, you need to direct them towards action.

Here are a few examples of call to actions:

  • Go here now to get the product
  • Get yours today!
  • Take advantage of this special offer now!

As you can see these, these examples clearly tell people what to do. As you use calls to action more often, you will find which ones resonate more with your audience.

8. Ask About Higher Tiers

Once you are earning a decent commission on a particular product, you may want to ask if you can get a higher commission. Often affiliate marketing programs have tiers that give high performers more income.

Sometimes you may not be aware of this because it is not openly disclosed. This is why you need to open the line of communication and ask about it. Even if they don’t have an official upgrade they might be willing to consider giving you more profit if you make them a lot of money, so just ask.

Final Affiliate Marketing Tips

If you want to take your affiliate marketing to the next level then you need to know what works and what doesn’t. This means you must make use of all the affiliate marketing tips you learn.

The only way to make more money is to experiment and to always be honest with your audience. Trust is a large part of affiliate marketing. The more of it you can gain from your audience the more you will make. You should also make sure that the product you are promoting solves their problems and is relevant to their needs.